If you have any questions about items to order, run into any difficulties, or wish to purchase or inquire about items that are not yet on the site, kindly contact me directly at "mikerosehobbies@gmail.com"

Please note that it is difficult to automatically calculate accurate shipping for very small and light items, like parts, etched steps, etc.  But feel free to place your order regardless, with the assurance that I will refund any and all freight over charges upon shipping.   You will pay actual shipping plus a small handling charge to cover shipping supplies in all cases.

Shipping update:   I will ship via USPS Priority Mail only, as UPS and FedEx are not interested in dealing with small shippers.  Please note that while USPS has been generally very reliable and the tracking is excellent, if they damage a shipment, even to the point of crushing the box, they WILL NOT pay a claim in my experience.  All shipping is therefore done on a best effort basis.  While we will work with you to resolve any damaged shipments, be advised that insurance from USPS is unlikely to work, period.  We are very experienced in proper packaging and always do our best to insure the product arrives safely.

For both International AND Domestic orders, if shipping amount seems high, be assured that I will credit any shipping over-charges at time of order shipment.

HO Concrete Phone Booth with Smoke Jack

HO Concrete Phone Booth with Smoke JackHO Concrete Phone Booth with Smoke Jack (Elevated View)Detail View of Smoke Jack on Concrete Phone Booth

HO Concrete Phone Booth with Smoke Jack


3-D printed concrete phone booth, smoke jack.

Literally "new and improved", these highly accurate concrete phone booths are now being produced by 3D Central at a lower price! Please click on the link below to purchase. https://3dcentraltrains.com/collections/line-side-items/products/87-sj6-lehigh-valley-concrete-phone-booth-ho-scale

Have a question?

  We will contact you with a delivery date

Literally "new and improved", these highly accurate concrete phone booths are now being produced by 3D Central at a lower price! Please click on the link below to purchase. https://3dcentraltrains.com/collections/line-side-items/products/87-sj6-lehigh-valley-concrete-phone-booth-ho-scale

HO Concrete Phone Booth with Smoke Jack
HO Concrete Phone Booth wJack
HO Concrete Phone Booth with Smoke Jack

HO Concrete Phone Booth with Smoke Jack (Elevated View)
HO Concrete Phone Booth wJack
HO Concrete Phone Booth with Smoke Jack (Elevated View)

Detail View of Smoke Jack on Concrete Phone Booth
Detail View of Smoke Jack
Detail View of Smoke Jack on Concrete Phone Booth